




髙野由美「Mother and child statue」ほか(作品に寄せて)

◆手紙を浮かべる/Letters afloat



Kamila Lin「海辺で凪を待つ」
青柳菜摘さん(コ本や honkbooks)×山口勲さん(てわたしブックス)×工藤順「ゆめをてわたす vol.2」




Table of Contents for the “yumemirukenri” vol.5

Interview: “Let the remainders be remained” (Karaimo Books, Kyoto)

◆issue: Я — начало

- Daishi Kobayashi “Once we had bodies”
- Nozomi Endo “On me”
- Леонид Андреев / Коичи Сэйно «Валя»
- Yusaku Ayumi “Aliens”
- Велимир Хлебников / Фуминэ Окумура «Нужно ли начинать рассказ с детства?..»
- Mika Sasaki “To All Those who Denies Possibilities”
- Yuta Satori “Blue Is the Night”
- Андрей Платонов / Нао Кудо «Письмо из Тамбова, 1927г.»
- Yuta Kurahata “Carnival”
- sabaku de ikiru “Nicole”
- Мария Прохорова «Птичка», «Скажите же!»
- Tomomi Sugiura “Repair”
- Yumi Takano “Mother and child statue etc.”
- 李白、杜甫/秋本佑(Tasuku Akimoto)《読李杜詩》
- mou hitotsu no isu “Engraving what I see”
- Daisuke Ninomiya “Considerazioni tra io e watashi”
- Mario Andrea Rigoni / Daichi Fujisawa “Tra le erbe”
- Борис Пастернак / Харуё Киносита «Избранные стихотворения»
- Burhan Sönmez / Kakeru Horiya “İstanbul İstanbul”
- Giuseppe Rensi / Daichi Fujisawa “Impronte”

◆Letters afloat

- Kototabi (editor of zine “Honyaku Bungaku Kikou”) + Misato Fujita

◆issue 2: Ждать у моря погоды

- Kamila Lin «Ждать у моря погоды»
- A note on “Words that stand with you” in time of the emergency declaration (Isao Yamaguchi + Nao Kudo)
- Ryo Aoki “Poetry”
- Miki Sasaki “〈In front of the words who snuggle up with, now〉”
- Event Report: Yume wo tewatasu vol.2 (Natsumi Aoyagi (Kohonya honkbooks, Tokyo) + Isao Yamaguchi (Tewatashi Books) + Nao Kudo)

◆et cetera

- Misato Fujita “목소리, 소곤거림, 페르난두 페소아”
- Казимир Малевич / Нао Кудо «Лень как действительная истина человечества»

Index of contents of yumemirukenri vols.1-5


詩と生活のzine『ゆめみるけんり』の新刊を刊行します。vol.5の特集は「わたしから始める」です。 『ゆめみるけんり』は、今回のvol.5を刊行の一区切りとします。一度来し方を振り返り、今後のステップを考えるために必要な時間を確保するためです。


cover designed by tsugumi



コンテンツ:vol.5の目次です。table of contents for vol.5

The new, last issue (vol.5) of our zine “yumemirukenri” is out now. See the list of bookstores: here.


Contact: droit.de.yumemir*gmail.com

〈vol.5によせて/Foreword for vol.5〉










工藤 順


But without me, the people are incomplete! — Andrei Platonov

2020.XX.XX. infected: XXX people. dead: XXX people. 2020.XX.XX. ...

In this year, having experienced self-isolation, we all had to return to the point Zero or, to the Room of my own. The planned steps of life had to be stopped. A thin sense of death floated around us, and we were forced to put a great cause above personal matters. We knew it was necessary, though, we couldn’t fully be convinced with that. Maybe because of it, the words of explanation or of threat, which lack the minimal moral to say nothing when you don’t understand nothing, overflow and don’t cease to harm someone carelessly. These words sometimes might have touched the surface of our senses, but after all, they have faded away in a moment.

However, when we stand with a belief of S. Tateiwa, who once said “when we say something, is it impossible to say without using the words of order, dealing or explanation? No, it’s definitely not,” we can start again. We can re-start saying something different, like: “It cannot be like that,” or “This is not what I want.” Before throwing stones to others in the distance, we can, for example, cover the one who sleeps next to you with a blanket through acting, through words or by just being there.

And when we start, we can only start from now and here — namely from me, from the distance-zero world of mine, where I touch, see, hear, smell and taste — that is, from sensing my body again. We know it is difficult to be myself. However, I think we can go meeting with the ones who are beyond my understanding, that is, the others, only when I certainly know that I am here in my tiny room. Like sending letters, or like opening windows.

It always has been dangerous to meet with the others. That was why we invented greetings, hand-shaking or kisses. Isn’t it possible to say that we can stand with the others, who is nothing but the other to me, only by sharing the risks each other? And we know the others sometimes have become the essential ones for me to be myself, at the same time the others not stopping being the others — or more likely to say, the others are essential to me BECAUSE the other is the other. And we sometimes called it a “love.” 

We are just divided ones each other, and continuing to be so, the ones change themselves and change each other. The void among the ones, which stands a bit over the ones, might be called the society. And the thing which fills in the void might be called the imagination. We do not completely comprehend the others forever, and to some extent, this is just what we want. The society cannot be made without “accepting the unchangeable ... and changing the unacceptable,” (Hikaru Utada) without such kind of compromise, struggle and adjustment between them — we may now know.

The courage to change myself, and each other. When we lack the courage, we stop welcoming others. And we stop welcoming others, I don't stop being just me. But we know we can’t be satisfied with life without others. That is why we meet with others, travel, learn foreign languages, watch movies, read and write literature, cook, use SNS, listen to music, work, draw paintings, take photos, drink, wear, make ourselves up, believe in God, and read poems. I have a sense that in what is beyond our understandings rather than in what we put likes, we hold the urging sense of being.

The world has changed and keeps changing, and we also want to change. But in changing, we don't stop being me. We always have started from ourselves. There were no other ways. And it continues to be just so. It won’t change. Let us start from here always again. Here — that is, from me.

Nao Kudo
